About Me

Hey Guys!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

My name is Jenny and I am 20 years old. I decided to make this blog because writing is a dream of mine. I am currently studying Media in university and the thought of leaving is scaring me… Especially when I’m not 100% sure what I will be doing after I leave! However, my writing being published is a big dream of mine. One day I would love to be featured in some big, global magazines, but I haven’t exactly got “experience” of how to reach this goal.

From starting this blog I am looking for any opportunities that could develop my writing career and get one step closer to my dream. I am currently part of the Yuppee Magazine online which I have wrote a few articles for so far.

Anyway, I am new to this so it could be a slow start. But please follow and I hope you enjoy my blog! You can also find me on Twitter at – @bigdreams1993   🙂

Jenny ❤


18 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi there Jenny,
    Your honesty in this ‘About’ speaks volumes about your character. Character is a quality a smart person looks for in another, especially when it comes to hiring. Don’t be too frightened of following your dreams you just may catch a few of them. Starting a blog is a fantastic idea-it’s smart, intuitive and shows bigger thinking. The piece of the puzzle remaining that will pull all of your wonderful qualities together is perseverance – that Jenny, is the piece that brings many a strong man down. You must believe in yourself even when it seems impractical or impossible to do so. In the words of Winston Churchill – ‘Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”
    You will do well, believe…
    new blogger who’s been around a while

    • Wow, what a lovely comment! Thank you 🙂
      I will definitely take on board what you have said – it is great inspiration to carry on with what I am doing! I don’t usually have very much self confidence, but I am really passionate about sharing my writing so I’m hoping other people enjoy reading it too.
      Thank you for your lovely comment, AnnMarie xx

  2. Hi Jenny,
    Would you like to review an advance copy of my novel ‘Ignoring Gravity’?
    ‘Ignoring Gravity’ is the story of Rose Haldane’s own ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ television programme. Rose is confident about her identity. She pulls the same face as her grandfather when she has to do something she doesn’t want to do, she knows her DNA is the same as his. Except it isn’t: because Rose is adopted and doesn’t know it. Ignoring Gravity connects two pairs of sisters separated by a generation of secrets. Finding her mother’s lost diaries, Rose begins to understand why she has always seemed the outsider in her family, why she feels so different from her sister Lily. Then just when she thinks there can’t be any more secrets…
    If you’d like to know more, drop me an e-mail at sdan2364 [at] btinternet [dot] com or watch the book trailer at http://youtu.be/dGJnw-7qaa4.
    Thanks, Sandra

  3. Aww, thank you! It just sort of happened as my original choice was already taken, but I’ve actually come to prefer this one. I love yours too. Having big dreams and always reaching for the next goal are what make life worth living. 🙂 xx

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