‘Ignoring Gravity’ by Sandra Danby: Book Review

Ignoring Gravity‘ is a debut book by Sandra Danby published by Beulah Press.

Ignoring Gravity’ follows the story of Rose who is confident about her identity. She pulls the same face as her grandfather when she has to do something she doesn’t want to do, she knows her DNA is the same as his. Except it isn’t: because Rose is adopted and doesn’t know it.

‘Ignoring Gravity’ connects two pairs of sisters separated by a generation of secrets. Finding her mother’s lost diaries, Rose begins to understand why she has always seemed the outsider in her family, why she feels so different from her sister Lily. Then just when she thinks there can’t be any more secrets…ig grav

I absolutely loved this book. I am usually very wary about reading books by new authors, especially ones which I haven’t read any reviews on previously, however I was pleasantly surprised with Sandra’s book.

From the very first page I was hooked. It started off exactly how you would expect it to – calm and simple – however, as the story unfolds we are introduced to a series of constant enigma’s.

We mainly follow the journey of Rose and Lily, and whilst we are searching for their unanswered questions to be resolved, we also learn a lot about their current life relationships with both people and work.

I disliked Lily’s husband from the very beginning and my hatred for him became more and more prominent as the book went on. Nick however, was a darling who I really loved – he was handsome, patient, loving and understanding. What more could you want in a man?

Although the book is mainly centred around finding out who Rose’s mother and father are, Lily’s issues are also a central part of the story. The fact that Lily is having problems conceiving and is being neglected by her husband plays another equally important part of the story.

I adore the way this book is written and especially the way in which it is sectioned. Rather than having specific chapters, each part is split up as either ‘Rose’ or ‘Lily’, or even sometimes another character such as ‘Nick’. These specific parts then focus it’s attention on that particular characters point of view which I found really interesting as it enabled me to jump inside their heads and understand them just that little bit more.

I haven’t read a book similar to this before and it has really opened my eyes. Most books I read are usually chick lit, but this one has really made me want to search beyond that particular genre as my favourite.

I estimated about a week to a week and a half for me to read this book as I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I actually finished it in just 3 days and had problems putting it down.

All in all, I would absolutely recommend you going to buy this book. I am very thankful to Sandra for letting me read and review her book prior to publication and can most definitely tell you that this is not the last you will hear from her. I’m positive she is going to have a bright and promising future as an author!s

I am pleased to inform you that the e-book of ‘Ignoring Gravity’ is now on sale!!

You can buy it here – amzn.to/1tU5cUQ

The paperback of ‘Ignoring Gravity‘ is to go on sale very soon (December 2014) and I would definitely recommend this book as a Christmas present for a loved one who loves a bit of suspense and enigma’s!

  • For more information on Sandra, please check out:
    Website – http://www.sandradanby.com/
    Facebook – www.facebook.com/sandradanbyauthor
    Twitter – @SandraDanby
    Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/sandradan1/
    Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6563021.Sandra_Danby
  • Ignoring Gravity’ details:
    Amazon link – amzn.to/1tU5cUQ
    ISBN – 978-0-9931134-0-6
    ASIN – B00O3D2PFI
    Book Trailer – http://youtu.be/dGJnw-7qaa4
    Book interview with Sandra – http://youtu.be/C80lR2gnceg

Hope you all enjoy reading this review and be sure to let us know what you think!

Thank you again to Sarah for allowing me to review your wonderful book – I cannot wait for the sequel to come out!! 🙂

7 thoughts on “‘Ignoring Gravity’ by Sandra Danby: Book Review

  1. I stumbled on this by accident but before I exited out of here this book caught my attention. Slid past my eyes and went straight to my heart. It’s one of those book you look at and can tell you’re going to enjoy it, for some odd reason it reminds me of a classic -To kill a mocking bird (maybe it’s the picture) anyhow I will definitely be purchasing this…

  2. Pingback: Small Girl Big Dreams reviews ‘Ignoring Gravity’

  3. Pingback: Guest Post: Sandra Danby | cosmochicklitan

  4. Pingback: Guest Post: Ignoring Gravity | Goldlink Online

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