Tag Archive | shopping

My Primark Haul!

I’m the kind of girl who finds it pretty hard to resist buying cute girly things I see in shops, so when I walked into the new Primark this morning, I found it quite hard to control myself! In my town, Primark has recently upgraded from a two floor shop to a five floor shop, therefore it is now HUGE! I was having a browse and I fell in love with so many cute things, such as cute girly pillows and candles in the home section, Disney pj’s, make up bags… the lot!

I’m trying to budget myself at the moment. In fact, I am a lot of the time. Whenever I see things I want, I always question myself first “Do I really need it?”. Usually the answer is no and I manage to walk away with my head held high, forbidden to look back.

I was quite successful in doing that when I went into Primark this morning, but there was a few things that I just couldn’t resist. I asked myself “Do I really need it?” and answered no. But then, I looked at the price and thought “Well, it’s only a couple of pounds – it isn’t going to hurt my bank account too much, is it?”, and again, I answered no. Therefore I came out of the store with a big smile on my face seen as I treated myself at such a little price.

Here’s what I got! 🙂 Continue reading

My Beauty Tag

A couple of days ago, the lovely Karine tagged me to do the ‘Beauty Tag’ and I have finally got around to doing it! So, a big thankyou to Karine for tagging me – remember to go and check out her fabulous blog here.

So, let’s get started shall we?

1. Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners and lip product or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?

My palettes and eye shadows – I could just about live with that.

2. Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?

Hmm, never be able to cut it again I think! Although, I guess having different wigs would be fine too!

3. If you had $500, would you spend it on clothes or make up?

Clothes.. Definitely clothes.

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My March Must-Have’s

So I decided to choose 6 things I have bought this month and share them with you. I know a lot of people do ‘monthly favourite’ tags… But I’m not sure if this is the same thing. So just in case, I am going to call it ‘my March must-have’s’ instead 🙂

I also know I’m a bit early, as the end of the month isn’t until next week, but I won’t be going shopping again this week so I am going to share it with you now instead! I have never done anything like this before, so I apologise if I ramble too much!

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